CCMF is proud to sponsor a session to be held during the League of California Cities City Manager Department Meeting title “American Futures: Secrets of the Most Resilient Cities and Regions.”

FallowsThe speaker, James Fallows, is an author and National Correspondent for the Atlantic. During this session, Fallows will share his thoughts on traveling for eighteen months to small and medium-sized communities in California and across the country. His reporting focuses specifically on how cities have found ways to recover from economic and technological challenges, and create new opportunities from the experience.

The topic of resilience is one of particular interest to CCMF, as all cities face challenges from time to time. As part of our ongoing mission to promote and encourage excellence in city management, we are excited to support this event, and to hear what Fallows learned in his travels.

The session will take place Thursday, January 29, 2015 in San Francisco. For more information on the event, please visit the LOCC website.