Early in 2012 the communications committee here at CCMF kicked off the “Meet Your City Manager” video campaign as part of our ongoing efforts to recognize and promote excellence in city management.

Twenty short videos were created as a part of this campaign. They are available on the CCMF YouTube channel, as well as the CCMF website, and have been used by individual cities to promote the role of their city managers to their communities. Overall, the response to the videos has been great.

And so we are very pleased to announce that we are continuing the series for another year. As some of you are no doubt aware, a video crew was onsite at the the League of California Cities City Manager’s Annual Department Meeting in San Francisco.

Lead by Ryder Smith, of Tripepi Smith & Associates, this video crew managed to interview over 25 city managers for new segments. The team is currently editing the footage, and the first interview of the second round of Meet Your City Manager videos will be hitting member inboxes on Tuesday, February 19th.

Just as we did last year, the videos will be released (both via email and online), every other Tuesday.

Of course, this engaging series would not be possible without the support of our “Meet Your City Manager” video series sponsors: Keenan and MuniServices.

Keenan MYCM size

MuniServices MYCM size

Lastly, we would like to thank all the city managers who took time out of their schedules in San Francisco to sit down in front of the camera and share their thoughts. It is easy to promote excellence in city management with members that are so unequivocally excellent.