Two Southern California MPA Students Awarded Tuition Assistance
The California City Management Foundation (CCMF) is pleased to announce the recipients of the first annual Wes McClure Scholarship; Sara Russo and Chelsea Wood.
Sara is an employee of the City of Redondo Beach and a student at California State University, Long Beach. Chelsea is an employee of the City of Santa Clarita and a student at the University of Southern California. Both students earned excellent GPAs and have impressed the management of the cities were they work as the future leadership of local government.
Wes McClure, who the scholarship was named in honor of, worked as City Manager of San Leandro for 28 years. He passed away at the age of 94 on December 20, 2009. Wes had many outstanding attributes, including an unparalleled ability to listen. His patience and skill in this regard contributed enormously to his successful career working with city councils and impacted CCMF directly during the formation of the foundation, in which Wes played an integral part. This award was created in honor of Wes’s outstanding and significant contributions to the City Manager’s Department, League of California Cities, the State of California and the City Management profession.
These scholarships are a direct result of the collaboration of CCMF with the former Public Service Skills (PSS). “We are very pleased to have had a large contingent of applications for this inaugural year of the scholarship,” said Wade McKinney, President of CCMF. “We look forward to supporting the future generations of city leaders and thank PSS for their confidence in CCMF administering this program.”
For more information on the CCMF scholarship, click here.