In early February, CCMF Executive Director Ken Pulskamp presided on a panel at the 2021 virtual League of California Cities City Managers Conference. Thank you again to our panelists for their time and their insights on this crucial topic of how the definitions of “public safety” and “policing” are evolving in our cities:

  • Jackie Gomez-Whiteley, Senior Associate at the Center for Public Safety Management
  • David Reynoso, the Chief of Police of the City of El Monte
  • Shawny Williams, the Chief of Police of the City of Vallejo

At its peak, approximately 55 conference attendees were watching and engaging live. You can rewatch the full conversation on the website using your City Managers Conference login. These are the timestamps of key portions of the conversation:

  1. 04:36 – Ken Pulskamp provides context for the conversation
  2. 07:55 – Jackie shares how CPSM approaches Organizational Assessments in two phases
  3. 21:06 – Shawny shares the vision and process behind how Vallejo PD has reimagined its role in public safety
  4. 38:13 – David shares observations on multiple alternate models of policing and public safety response units
  5. 58:56 – Q&A Session

Also, thank you to the organizers of the annual City Managers Conference for this opportunity to be part of an educational program that brings together hundreds of city managers and county chief administrative officers for professional development.