On Friday, January 31, 2020, the CCMF website updated to a fresher, more modern version. The updated website highlights member-only resources and services and gives members a quick way to recover the password to their website account.

New CCMF HomepageThe website redesign focused on organizing resources for quicker member access. The new homepage contains helpful menus linking to our most popular resources and links:

  1. Popular Resources – The top 8 member-only services and downloaded resources
  2. Who Is CCMF? – Basic information about the CCMF mission and its members
  3. What CCMF Can Offer – How CCMF can help City Managers at every stage of their career
  4. Forgot Your Login? – Easily reset the password to your website account

The website address, cacitymanagers.org, remains the same. Member logins remain the same as well: you have the same username, password and email associated with your account.

If you have trouble logging in to your website account, have any problems with the new site’s features, or would just like to provide feedback, please contact Sanjana Nayak at sanjana@tripepismith.com.