CCMF is excited to introduce our members to CAL-ICMA’s coaching program, led by Frank Benest. This program provides an exceptional opportunity to our members as they continue to grow and excel in their city management roles.

The 2023 ICMA Coaching Program has one remaining complimentary webinar scheduled for Thursday, November 16, titled “What to Do When Everything is Unraveling: Strategies for a Reset.” If this topic interests you, make sure to register.

Frank Benest, with an extensive career in city management, served as the city manager for Palo Alto, Brea and Colton until his retirement in 2008. He holds a Doctorate in Management, a Master’s in Public Administration and a Bachelor of Arts Degree. In addition to his past leadership roles as President at the California City Managers Department and Vice President of the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), Frank now shares his expertise as an educator at Stanford University. Currently, he serves as ICMA Senior Advisor for Next Generation Initiatives and Co-Chair of the Cal-ICMA Coaching Program.

Benest offers valuable insights into areas such as adaptive leadership, empathy, work-life balance, authentic leadership and more. His coaching sessions are available in both in-person and telephone formats. He is passionate about sharing his knowledge, energy and extensive experiences to benefit city managers at all stages of their careers. As a trusted partner of CCMF, he recently provided a series of new articles and resources for members that are now available on the CCMF website.

Visit CAL-ICMA’s website to learn more about their coaching program.

Visit Frank Benest’s website to learn more about his career in public service.